Mark James Perry: Home

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( b. 1942 - d. 2013 )

Mark James Perry was a photographer, an entrepreneur, a smuggler, a pirate, a sailor, a sometimes UNIX sysadmin, an innovator, a hacker, a warrior, a lover, a grifter and more. He was, in other words, a multi-faceted Post-Modern man, one who showed different sides to different people in different circumstances.

There were constants in Mark's personality, such as an ethical integrity, a humaneness and an innate empathy towards his fellow man and all sentient beings, (especially cats.) These traits did not necessarily deter him from parting fools from their money, a task that he performed as a kind of public service, an elective aid to the forces of evolution.

Mark was extremely well read, able to converse in matters of history, physics, literature, politics and art. He was expansively gregarious, making friends with people from literally all walks of life. If one was fortunate to attend one of his parties when he lived in Pioneer Square, one might meet police sergeants, hookers, homeless runaways, officials of state, artists, travelers, movie producers and you or me. There was room in Mark's big heart for everybody.

But what Mark James Perry was first and foremost was an artist. He struggled to make the time and amass the considerable resources necessary to produce an ongoing body of photography. He often did this in the face of the continuing obstacles presented by a brutal, crushing poverty. He constantly tinkered with new ideas and discarded technologies, and the detritus of a throwaway culture. He found the means to produce a substantial body of work over a period of decades, despite the challenges.

The objective of this website is to present that body of artwork that was produced over the decades that Mark James Perry was active. We would also like to provide a picture of what Mark James Perry was like as a person, through the words of his friends and associates, his kin, and his work.